- Everygoodsstore has a no questions asked return policy.
- The return policy is valid for 7 days after the product is delivered.
- You must raise a return request by emailing us on Everygoodsstore@gmail.com within 7 DAYS of receiving your order.
- Product packaging, labels & tags must not be tampered with.
- Once you have requested for a return/ exchange the product will be collected within 3 working days.
- For prepaid orders, in case of order cancellations or returns a refund will be processed back to the same payment method via the payment gateway. Timeline for same would be 5-7 working days.
- For “Cash on Delivery” orders, the refund will be processed at your given Google Pay, Paytm or Bank Account via UPI or IMPS (Whichever you have provided in your Email) at the day the product is picked up from you by our logistics partners.
- The whole order amount will be refunded if the order is cancelled, lost or undelivered to your preferred location.
- Everygoodsstore reserves the right to cancel any order without any explanation for doing so, under the circumstances where the requirement could not be met. The company will ensure that any communication of cancellation of an order or any applicable refund will be made in a reasonable time.
Returns & Exchanges Fees :
- We don’t charge any fees for returns.